shield script works not fine

hey guys i got this script for my shield it works But!! it stays to long in face when hit i tryed to set the timer to 0,1 that its vissible for 0,1 second when hit and it seems to only react to a rigidbody projectile beecouse i can shoot it with my mashine gun and nothing happens and when i shoot it with my rocked louncher it becomes vissible but as i sayd al reddey it shows to long. how can i fix this??or can you?

var Shot : boolean = false;
var Timer : float;

function Update () {
    //Normaly it's not showen
    renderer.enabled = false;

    if (Shot) {
        //The time wich defines how long the sphere is showen
        Timer += Time.deltaTime;

        //If You make 0.1 its shorter showen if you make 2 it's longer showen
        if (Timer < 1) {
            renderer.enabled = true;
        //If the time runs out it's dosen't showen
        else {
            renderer.enabled = false;
            Shot = false;
    // Reset the Timer
    else {
        Timer = 0;
// This change Shot if something touches the Forcefield
function OnTriggerEnter () {
    Shot = true;

Colliders only work with rigidbodies, it's all in here (check the collision action matrix). You could use a raycast to determine when shots from non-rigidbodies are fired upon the shield (shoot a raycast when shooting, basically). Instead of triggering the rendering on/off you could alter the visibility via the shader (if you use a shader that takes alpha as a variable).

var Speed=10; //Change this value to make the visibility faster/slower
renderer.material.color.a = Mathf.MoveTowards (renderer.material.color.a, 1.0, Speed*Time.deltaTime);  if(renderer.material.color.a>0.9)Shot=false;
} else {
renderer.material.color.a = Mathf.MoveTowards (renderer.material.color.a, 0.0, Speed*Time.deltaTime);

Then you could trigger the Shot boolean on a static function that other scripts can read, when raycast hits it triggers Shot which then makes your shield visible. Probably the visual would look best if the speed is fast when the shield is shot and slowly fades out.

Hope it helps!