Hi, i have a Player object who has different animations.
Int PlayerOption = 1;
I am trying to use multiple Player options, like 20 players to choose
Should i make 20 objects of the Character and edit each one of the animation or can i just change the animation some how.
My question is how can i change the Hero1 to Hero2 animation without duplicating the object.
I’m not clear on what your question is.
If you are talking about reusing the animation on more than 1 character, that can be done so long as you target the proper avatar, and the characters / avatars are compatible.
If you meant something else, could you try to clarify your question a little bit?
I want to use animation for Swordman/Archer/Magician for example.
And i dont know what is the best way to do it.
Switch the Animation or Switch the Object.
Right now i use Different state machines in the same Player Object,
When Hero equals to 1 so its an Archer
When Hero equals to 2 so its a Mage