Shifting the rotation point on an asset

Unsure if this is the right spot for this. Bought a big asset pack, which included a military style vehicle with a turret. However, the rotation point on the turret isn’t centered, so the turret doesn’t rotate in place. Is there any way to shift the rotation point on the model to fix this?

That seems unusual for an asset pack… though not entirely unheard of.

Check your pivot/center and global/local buttons in the Scene window in the editor.

Shortcut keys are Z and X to toggle those.

Otherwise you’ll need to remake the transform yourself with a properly-centered empty GameObject where the pivot should be.

Sometimes when pivoting, the center of the pivot isn’t correct (origin, pivot, center, object).

In short, you can offset it either by editing the 3D model file, or making / changing the prefab to have an extra Transform in the hierarchy that offsets it so the pivot is where you want it to be.

Awesome, thanks for the reply. And yea, it seems weird. I realized i should have provided some better context, so here’s some photos of the issue. I’ll give both of those a shot, see which one I like better.