Shooting from where my Player is

I honestly have no idea where the problem is. I have a player who is supposed to shoot bullet and he has a empty object as Child, which is supposed to make the bullets spawn there. My prefab is correctly attached to the script, but when I start my game, the prefab/bullets are getting shot miles away from my camera. I have no idea why they are so far away from my player

  public GameObject Shot;
    public Transform Bulletspawn;
    public float fireRate;

    public float nextFire;

    void Start () {

    void Update () {
        if (Time.time > nextFire)
            nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;
            Instantiate(Shot, Bulletspawn.position, Bulletspawn.rotation);


Reset the position of the child game object to 0,0,0 and then adjust from there.

I already tried that. I even reset the prefab and all, but for some reason when I drag it into the scene and reset the position to 0,0,0 it’s not at the 0,0,0 coordinates. Every object I have is in the middle of the scene when I put them at 0,0,0. But the prefab bullets float somewhere in the air at these coordinates

Where is it spawning?

The shots spawn at 0,24,-26 which is way out of my camera. The weird part is that there is nothing else. No clue why they spawn at a location like this

Can you post a screenshot of the prefab and GOs in scene?

First picture is just the prefab and the second one the spawn when I start the game

Can I see the inspector for the player and bulletspawn?


Here are the inspectors you wanted


I just made a new prefab and now its working, so the problem is fixed. No idea where the problem was