I want to move an Object (a bullet) to the direction/position of my current Player, the bullet is shot from an Enemy object, currently i can just get it to shoot down (which is ok because my Player is down, but i want it to the be on the correct X of the player)
Been looking a lot in the forums, and i’ve tried everything i could find but i guess i’m missing something stupid, because i just cant get it to work!
This is my current code:
GameObject enemyBullet= Instantiate(enemyBulletPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
enemyBullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(FindObjectOfType<Player>().transform.position.x, -20f);
I’ve tried AddForce (i have a rigidbody) , i’ve tried a lot of things, i just cant get it to settle it on the player’s x correctly.
Just to clarify - the Enemy is up, the Player is down, the shooting only goes from the Enemy downwards to the Player…
Thanks in advance!