Shooting question

I can shoot a rigid-body but how can I make the object I am shooting invisible? Any suggestions or tutorials. here Is my code if someone want to try and modify it. Any thing would be useful. Thank you for all the help. (The script in in java)(sorry if the code comes out funky)

var bullet: Rigidbody;
var speed = 50;
var AMMO = 5;
var c : AudioSource;

function Update()
        if(AMMO > 0)
             var clonedBullet : Rigidbody = Instantiate(bullet,transform.position,transform.rotation);
            clonedBullet.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3(0,0,speed));
            AMMO --;
           AMMO = 5;

You can turn off its renderer, like this;

clonedBullet.renderer.enabled = false;

If you’re using a prefab, its probably best to have the renderer disabled to begin with (by unchecking the box in Inspector) and then enable it once you have Instantiated it.

clonedBullet.renderer.enabled = true;

Another way is to fire an empty object and Instantiate the prefab at its current position after firing.

Sure there are many others that create the same affect.

Hope that helps.