Shooting Realistic Bullets

I am trying to make a completely realistic FPS game. I want to control the exact speed the bullet comes out at. But when I use Time.deltaTime and the correct Meters per second number, it only shoots the bullet about a meter in front of the person.

var MPS : int = 137;
var BB : Rigidbody;
var automaticWeapon : boolean = false;
var semiAutoWeapon : boolean = true;
var lastShot;
var shotInterval : float = .1f;
var deleteBulletTime = 4.5;

function Update () 

    if(semiAutoWeapon == true)
            var instantiatedBB : Rigidbody = Instantiate(BB, transform.position, transform.rotation);

            instantiatedBB.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3( 0, 0, MPS * Time.deltaTime ));
            Physics.IgnoreCollision( instantiatedBB. collider, transform.root.collider );

You don’t need to multiply it with deltaTime. This is only when you will actually do an update method of the bullet. So, change its position manually.

If you just want to set the velocity, use only the speed/second value.

deltaTime is the difference between two frames, so it differs per frame. It has values like 0.002.

You want to use something like this on your bullet:

var bulletSpeed : float = 100;

function FireBullet(){
   var velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
   velocity = moveDirection.normalized*bulletSpeed;

Hope that helps a little