Shortcut key changes from Cinema 8 to SpeedTree 10?


In SpeedTree cinema 8.4.2 I would hold down the T key to snap a trunk for example to an imported mesh. I’ve just purchased a subscription for SpeedTree 10 and the short-cut key seems to have changed?

Could you tell me the new short-cut please? I’ve tried to look in the docs.


Hi @Hogganfield,

Thanks for your question! This shortcut is still active in SpeedTree 9 and 10 and is still ‘T’. I’m unsure of why it’s not working for you. Have you already tried restarting the Modeler?

Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

Yes, I’ve tried restarting modeler a number of times yet the shortcut T doesn’t work for me. In fact I’ve managed to invoke a complete shut down/crash of modeler a few times pressing the T key and then clicking on the target mesh. I’ve also tried importing different target meshes yet the problem/shut-downs remains.

However, all is well with the same scenes in Cinema 8.

Hmm…that is peculiar. I’ll ask our team and see if anyone encounters your same problem. The one other thing you could try in the meantime is reinstalling the Modeler.

I apologize for the inconvenience!


I’ve reinstalled SpeedTree 10 with the same results. I’ve imported both .obj and .fbx versions and the T shortcut simply isn’t working for me, and as I said will consistently result in SpeedTree shutting down.

Does SpeedTree write an error file to help debug this?

Again - SpeedTree 8 works fine.

Roger that.

Normally, we’d have you send us a file via “File”->“Package for support”, but unfortunately that won’t help us here. We’ll log the problem and try to look into it. Are you on windows, mac, or linux?

Also, not everything can be snapped; only things that are eligible to have a translate gizmo can be snapped.

If you want to, you can send us your model via “File”->“Package for support” just so we can see if it helps us track anything down!


I’m on windows 11, let me know if you need to know which specific release and my hardware set up.

I hear you when you say not everything can be snapped, however it works as expected in my version 8 of ST.

I’m following a Gnomon tutorial, and free hand mode is used to generate a trunk, this is then snapped to the imported geo to grow the tree from and later wrap roots around the imported mesh. I’ve used imported photogrammetry meshes and simple imported cubes to try an problem solve.

I’ll use the ‘package for support’ command.

Also I can record a screen capture with key/mouse clicks showing if this would help? Particularly as it will consistently crash or cause ST to shut down… please let me know if this is something you want me to provide.


I have just watched one of your ST own videos on YouTube “Putting Down Roots” and I have found a solution that works well. Still, strange how my original query works with v8.

Thanks for you support with this along the way!

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Glad to hear that you found a solution! Feel free to share what you found for others’ benefit.

Also, if you want to share a video of what you were encountering just so we have it for reference, please send it our way.
