Shortcut to Hide Mesh? Hit accidentally and cant undo?

Yeah basically I must have hit a “hide all meshes” shortcut by mistake, and now I cant see any meshes in the editor… They still show when playing the game but I cant move things about as I cant see them…

Anyone know the shortcut to undo it please >.<?


Anyone please?

You sure they are in view? Have you tried selecting a game object in the Hierarchy, clicking in the Scene View, and hitting the F key?

There isn’t a “hide all meshes” feature that I know of…only thing similar to that would be turning off layers in the layers drop-down menu.


Ok yeah I hid the layer it seems, as when I change a mesh to a different layer it shows up…

How do I turn the default layer back on please?


Go to the layers drop-down menu and turn “default” back on.



Lol I feel like such a noob.

Thanks for the screenshot :)!