Shotgun Blast Raycast not being affected by transform up?

Everything works perfectly, except that the origin of the raycast is always at the origin at the feet of the object and doesnt seem to be affected when i use transform up. Whats going on?

public class Test : MonoBehaviour {

private float scaleLimit = 10f;

void Update()
	ShotgunFire ();

public void ShotgunFire()
		for(int i = 0; i < 30; i ++)
			float z = 10;
			//  Generate a random XY point inside a circle:
			Vector3 direction = Random.insideUnitCircle * scaleLimit;
			direction.z = z; // circle is at Z units 
			direction = transform.TransformDirection( direction.normalized );    
			//Raycast and debug
			Ray r = new Ray( transform.position + transform.up * 7, direction );
			RaycastHit hit;     
			if( Physics.Raycast( r, out hit ) ) {
				Debug.DrawLine( transform.position, hit.point ); 



How can you tell that it is always from the feet? Your Debug.DrawLine() is not using the Ray origin. Change to:

 Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, hit.point);