Should I bake color into the textures?

When I have a scene like this…

… should I alter the textures directly so that they are greenish, or is it a better practice to do this with post-fx?

Thank you for your opinion.

Both has is pros and cons.
If you bake it in , its faster than using a post effect to render.
But if you are baking it in you get problems if you like to reuse the assets in another lighting environment.

Thank you for your message.And what do you prefer personally?

Not baking it in. If you like to to change the tint of the color you have to change all the textures , and that eats time you can spend a lot better.

Thank you!

Light color, ambient, environment maps and fog can also get you a long way.

@Findus What do you mean, please?

That e.g. a blueish light will make your textures look blue as well.

You mean that you want to texture / colorize each mesh invidually? I don’t really understand you message.