Game Kit Controller
Can this engine develop pure 2d games? Where can I find these business cases. I’m trying to develop a game , like Don’t Starve and super mario
Unity is free to use. And yes, it’s can do pure 2d games.
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You can search “Made With Unity” posts: example1, example 2, example 3.
I mean this plugin “Game Kit Controller” , not unity. This is my first time use discussions , maybe I’m just create a wrong subject
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I just got a notification from this thread.
I am the developer of Game Kit Controller. @makaka-org posted the thread of that asset, where you can ask any question related to it, as I will be glad to help
About your question, GKC hasn’t a full 2d mode, in the meaning that it hasn’t an option to use sprite or similar 2d models as characters
What currently can be done is full 3d view (first and third person) or use any kind of locked camera view, including 2.5d, isometric, top down, etc…
But it is planned to add sprite management on characters, AI and player, so you can make full 2d games or any kind of combination of 3d and 2d, like paper mario for example.
Let me know if you need more info, or if you prefer, you can post on the mentioned GKC forum