Folder GiCache (C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\Caches\GiCache) took me 4.39GB, I know after I delete, it should re-generate, should it? So should I delete folder GiCache?
It will regenerate after clearing but the question is what is more valuable for you , the disk space or the time it took to generate the GI / light maps?
If you like to clean it do it form inside of unity ,Edit ->Preferences → GI Cache → Clean Cache.
If you just hurting for disk space on your system drive you can set a custom cache location in the same menu and place it on another drive.
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I know it’s an old thread, I have deleted my GiCache folder today, it was 442GB ! Even though the limit was set to 10GB… there must be a bug.
Which folder is that?
On Windows go to your Userfiles, and from there it is: AppData > LocalLow > Unity > Caches > GiCache