I’m currently a 10th grader and I was debating whether or not I should let my friend help me build my game. I am fully capable of building it on my own, and I think it might be better because I won’t have to split the profit or anything. Also, wouldn’t it look better on my college application if it says I made a successful game on my OWN? The main problem I have though is how do I break it to my friend that I want to work alone, without him getting the impression that I want all the profit?
Well in my opinion, if your friend is good you could combine your ideas and finish it a lot faster. If you didn’t want him to help you could still have him do some little stuff like voice acting and play testing it. It’s a bro bonding thing. I’m having my friends Jacob and Leo play test and voice act cuz’ we’re close. But honestly it’s up to you lol.
Okay Buddy, First off you WANT ALL THE PROFIT… and simply just say “F**k off I want money” (harsh way) or simply tell him that you want to work on your own… he should not take it too offensively! AGAIN you give off the impression that you do want all the PROFIT so do not lie, BE HONEST!
No. It will ruin your friendship when he turns round an FKS you over. Or you, he. Or you have a major difference of opinion.
Just dont go there man. Simply because profit was the first thing on your mind; not Bro-time.