Should I make one large Tile Palette or several smaller ones when working with tilemaps?

So basically the long and short of this is I have a very large tilesheet I found that I’ve been planning on implementing into my game I’m working on (here’s the tilesheet for reference: Tileset ver.3 [Free*] by Magiscarf on DeviantArt) and in order for me to use this in my game I’ve had to split it into smaller tilesheets which I import seperately into my project. This seems to work just fine, but the question I have is whether when I’m adding these seperate sheets into the tile palette should I create a new palette for each sheet, or add them all to one big palette? Or does it even matter? I’m just trying to figure out what the best method is for workflow / optimization, thanks!

Hi, you can use a single Tile Palette or multiple Tile Palettes depending on your workflow.

For optimisation purposes, it would be ideal if the Tilemap had Tiles which come from a single tilesheet rather than multiples. This will help the TilemapRenderer batch the drawing of the Tiles and reduce the number of draw calls made. If you need to have multiple tilesheets, you can consider making use of the Sprite Atlas (Unity - Manual: Sprite Atlas properties reference) to atlas the different tilesheets used for each Tilemap, which would generally be similar to having a single tilesheet.

Are there any plans for Unity to generate atlases automatically and intelligently based on what tiles are actually used in a tilemap from various palettes? It very quickly becomes an administrative nightmare keeping track of different tilesets, where a lot of tiles are shared between maps etc.?

@Ziplock9000 There are currently no plans for this, but we can consider this feature request!

Could you share how you would like the Sprite Atlases to be generated? Eg. create an Atlas based on the Sprites used in a single Tilemap or in the whole Scene, or create an Atlas based on the Sprites used in a particular Tile Palette.