Should I make the game's title page part of the main game scene?


I’m new to Unity and I’m trying to figure out how to make a homepage for my game (the title screen with “Play”,“Settings”, “Quit” etc).

My game only has one scene.

Am I supposed to make a different scene for the homepage? Or is is more efficient to include that homepage as a part of the scene and do a SetActive(false) whenever the player hits “Play”? It appears to me that this would make the game faster and avoid a Loading page.

In popular mobile games (like Candy Crush), I see a “Loading…” page right after Player hits Play, which probably means that the game is loading a scene.
In which case would it be better to have a separate scene for the home page?

Thanks in advance

I always make a seperate scene, it just seems cleaner, and thats what they are for. Also when you get to making a settings page, make a new scene for that! It would get crowded to have everything for the normal level, settings, and main page.

Hope this helps!

heres some links about moving to different scenes through script.