Should I nest all of my global prefabs into one big prefab?

I have a few prefabs for things like HUD, on-screen text, books/notes GUIs, scene specific references (that are always prefab overrides per scene) and the Player, which all go into every scene separately. I’m thinking of nesting them all into one big prefab that goes on every scene, this way if I need to add a new GUI or gameobject that needs to be in every scene, I won’t have to go through and manually add it to each scene (or remove it if I decide I don’t want it).

I probably don’t need to nest the Player, but does this sound like a good idea, to nest everything into a single prefab that I can change at will? I’m particularly worried about scene-specific overrides somehow getting broken or reverted. I’m aware that I could condense a lot of GUIs and global tracking objects into a single object, but nevertheless, if I needed to add anything later on, this might be the most convenient way to do it.

I did try keeping all of these things in a separate scene and using additive loading, but references were a bit messy.

Or maybe an editor script to add and remove prefabs from all scenes might be a better idea, if possible.