Should I start learning AR\VR development at uni?

Hello everyone!
I live in Denmark and study Software Engineering. Today i got introduced to a new specialization - AR\VR development. Here is the description of all specializations:

  • Data Engineering – Courses include Data Warehousing and Machine Learning, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), business intelligence, data visualisation and analytics.
  • Cross Media – Courses include Mobile Applications and Serious Games, which involve Unity, asset store, modelling and simulation, as well as interfacing.
  • AR/VR – Courses include Digital Animation Production, Basic AR/VR Technologies, sensors and displays for digital immersion, game design and production and other courses from Cross Media specialisation.
  • Internet-of-things – Courses include wireless computing,basic electronics, real-time and embedded programming, as well as electronics used to interface micro-controllers with a number of sensors and actuators

I always wanted to develop games, so at the begining I was thinking to choose Cross Media. But now I am in doubt, because of new specialization, which is also related to game development.

So, does it worth to start learning ar\vr development at uni or should I choose another specialization, while studing ar\vr by myself?

Make sure, you select specialization, which later you can shift easily to other field, when needed.
Game industry can be very unstable sector, in terms of job securing.
So if anything go wrong, you want have option for example, go to engineering field.
Make sure you get conscious choice.

Personally, I would NOT be expect huge market demand on VR, in respect to other specializations.

So in my opinion:
Data Engineering - appears to be trending this days. Specially ML. You can apply it in both games, IT, and other engineering sectors.

Cross Media - looking currently where mobile market apps stands these days, I wouldn’t be advising going that route.

VR - I think relatively small market. Hence harder for securing job. VR we have for many years already. But still is not getting that much traction. Unless you want do further research in that direction.

Internet-of-things - Quite popular and wide of options available. Surely won’t disappear any time soon. Extra options, to hook into game and engineering industry. But may not be necessary of your interest?

I was in the same position as you last year. You are much better of choosing the cross media specialization. Modeling, rigging, animating, texturing etc are going to be much harder and more valuable to learn as a coder. You want to get as much experience in real life skills as you can.

To be honest the courses I see the vr/ar specialization do not seem practical at all. There’s no use in learning about the technologies on a deeper level right now because it is still changing too much.

AR/VR is still pretty risky to take IMO. You should take on of the other ones that you like.