Should i use Unity 4.6x or Unity 5 for game template?

Hi, I’d like to submit my first game template to the asset store but not sure about something. Hoping someone here in the forums might have solved a similar issue. Made it in Unity 4.6.6f2. It however does not work when i upgrade the project to Unity 5. The player character has a rigidbody2d component and stays on the ground in Unity 4.6x but after upgrading to Unity 5, the player starts to slowly rise above the ground without any input from the user. Tried making a new character in Unity 5 and that works fine. I do not want the end user of the template to face these issues.

So i’m wondering if i should upload two projects: one which works with Unity 5 and the other with Unity 4.6x? The reason is that i’d like to support Unity version upwards from 4.6x for maximum people to be able to use it. Appreciate your suggestions

I’d say update your template to use Unity5 and stick with that.


  • You’ve built a template that a “client” can use to start a new project with … right?
  • Clients, with an existing project, “might” avoid updating their tools because;
  • updating is work
  • newer versions have different quirks
  • the stability of their “code-base” (or whatever) is (usually) more important than new tool features
  • A client with an existing code-base won’t need a blank template - right?
  • A client starting new projects will likely prefer the newer version of Unity anyway - right?

BONUS ; Your template will be one step ahead of the 4.x templates already in the store