I just wonder if there is anyone out there except for me which have to wait > 4 weeks for a response from the Asset Store guys? I submitted my package exactly 4 weeks ago, I got a reply the same day that I should fix a small image, fixed it the same day, since then I haven’t heard anything from them, even though I have sent at least two remainders to several email addresses.
Are they on holiday or something?
In the meantime I have managed to get my package accepted to UnityMagic and I got PayPal payments for my own site working because I simply couldn’t wait any longer.
I would be thankful if anyone from UT could look into this.
Sorry to hear about that! No, it absolutely should not take that long. Not sure how your asset or email might have fallen through the cracks, but please do a resubmit and feel free to cc me at caitlyn(at)unity3d.com and I’ll assist.