Should the Learn tab be removed from the Hub?

So, the 2nd kit i try from the learn tab becomes a nightmare. Unity Hub forces you to open the projects on the latest version. In this case, it was forcing to open the 2d Game Kit with the 2020.1 beta white the latest supported tutorial goes as far as 2019.2! Then, i download 2020.1, it pops up red errors on the compiler. If i try to open this project on different ways, doesn’t work. Eventually, after asking on help on Facebook and Reddit, this guy said he could import it by the asset store… yes, finally i could but on 2019.2 and 2018.4 it shows the same errors on the compiler about “cinemachine”. So, hours sunk and still not being able to use those kits.
I’m wondering if some kits should be removed or the entire learn tab as well. Because the learn tab is very misleading. At least, when i clicked it, i expected to actually learn, not spending hours on different days to download multiple Unity versions and still not being able to do it!

It seems you can only make it work with the latest Unity editor. To a point it was leading me to download the 2020.1 while it was still beta. A bit of rant, pardom me but i spent hours trying to make it work. It even filled up all my ssd with temp files i could not find while i was trying to make it work with older versions. And why i did try older versions? Because the tutorial, at the beginning has a dropdown asking your Unity version. You can only choose up to 2019.2. I had the same problems with the RPG Kit… i just think that things like this should be streamlined for beginners. Edit… worked just for a while. The scene was not showing properly, depite doing everything canon with the tutorial. It shows black and in the editor, i can only see it by hitting shading wireframe. Gave up this Kit.