Hello I have set up my game to show a unity ad in C# after this line of code is called " if ((StartPage.start != 0) && !PlaneMovement.running) " and I a wondering how to make that happen every 5th time the code is called (aka every time the endGame screen comes up. Note endGame is not a new scene).
I am VERY new to C# so very detailed instructions are good. Thanks!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;
//GameOver page when the plane is destroyed
public class GameOverPage : MonoBehaviour {
public GUISkin skin; //skin for button styles
public static int start; //static integer indicates to show or hide
bool showAd = true; //Will show ad the first time
public static bool running; //static variable indicates if the plane is destroyed or not
void OnGUI(){
GUI.skin = skin;
//if start is not equal to 0 and running is false then show GameOver page buttons
if ((StartPage.start != 0) && !PlaneMovement.running) {
if(showAd){ //Check if we should show add
if (Advertisement.IsReady ()) {
Advertisement.Show ();
showAd = false; //Set to false So that we dont show ad again
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width / 2.378f, Screen.height / 1.34f, Screen.width / 6f, Screen.height / 10.10f), "", skin.GetStyle ("Restart"))) {
Application.LoadLevel (1);
PlaneMovement.running = true;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width / 1.50f, Screen.height / 1.34f, Screen.width / 6.0f, Screen.height / 10.1f), "", skin.GetStyle ("Home"))) {
Application.LoadLevel (0);
PlaneMovement.running = false;
StartPage.start = 0;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width / 5.7f, Screen.height / 1.34f, Screen.width / 6f, Screen.height / 10.10f), "", skin.GetStyle ("Website"))) {
Application.OpenURL ("http://www.skyboxertech.weebly.com");