Show All Colliders in Editor? SOLVED

Is there a way to show all colliders in the editor at once? Instead of having to select each collider to see its bounds in the view port.

I am making a 2D game and have everything drawn in a single texture on a plane. I then have empty game objects with box colliders on them for the areas that require collision detection. However I cant find a way to see all of them at once.

I kinda figured out the answer as I was typing this question. I then went ahead and tested it and sure enough it worked! Not the ideal solution as I still cannot see all collision meshes while adjusting individual ones. Makes it hard to align things properly

Create an empty game object as a parent. Add empty game objects with collider as children.
Selecting the parent object will render the collision meshes for all sub objects in the editor.


Also, you can Shift click and select all of the individual GameObjects on the Hierarchy.

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This would do it…

// Draws the Light bulb icon at position of the object.
function OnDrawGizmos () {
Gizmos.DrawIcon (transform.position, "Light Gizmo.tiff");
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You can use Gizmos to show the colliders without having them selected. I just wrote a blog post about it:

Just type >t:Collider< (without > <) in hierarchy’s search box, this will highlight every object with collider in the scene. Then you can easily select them all.


For others coming here with the same question; use the Physics Debugger: Physics Debug Visualization - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions


Thank you! t:meshCollider and t:boxCollider also work to further refine your search if needed.


Since AdamZbadam’s link is broken, the check box to make all colliders visible is under Edit > Project Settings > Physics 2D > Gizmos > Always Show Colliders.


Since this has already been necroed, and this is one of the first results on Google when searching for showing unselected colliders, I will share a simple, litte gem for primitive 3D colliders.

I wrote a script/component which can show all capsule, box and sphere colliders present on a gameobject, with an option to include colliders on its children. Very useful when playing around with bones for e.g. a ragdoll and such.

Thank you for this, for anyone else, use this answer. this is the most straightforward way of doing this, without writing any script

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It doesnt show the colliders
How are we supposed to make it work?

found this:

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lmao. nope. doesnt work either. looks like this is another lost cause.

we literally have 3d objects in our scene that we are working on and trying to edit, which we cannot see. how amazing is that.

tried about everything in this thread.

anyone have any more time wasting ideas to try? surely there must be a way to see what youre working on without writing your own script or selecting everything in your scene, right?

Just enable in project preferences and then make sure you enabled the colliders in gizmos in scene view

Enable what in project preferences?

Thank you very much!!!

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So I just was having this issue, and the solution I found made me feel really stupid. I had simply accidentally toggled off the gizmos. Hope this helps anyone still struggling with this.



the check box to make all colliders visible is under Edit > Project Settings > Physics 2D > Gizmos > Always Show Colliders.