Show gameobject as part of UI

I’ve recently asked a question, on how to instantiate a sprite.
I got the answer, that I need a Sprite Renderer on a GameObject and I should rather instantiate that.
So I created an empty GameObject and attached a Sprite Renderer to it, then made it a prefab and kept on going. The problem now is, that when I test the Sprite, the Image works like it should in the Scene-view, but the Sprite is rendered as a 3D Object inside the GameView, and not as part of the UI.

On the Instantiate function, there is one more parameter to set your instantiated object parent…
Check here : Unity - Scripting API: Object.Instantiate
And if you want to create an object UI, you should create it with UI Component…
Sprite Rendered is not for UI, so if you want to check what component UI is, go to here : Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn
These tutorial tell you everything about UI…
Note : UI component must always inside the Canvas…