Show GameObject name during play mode

Hi I would like to display the name of the game object above it when I click on the play button so that the player would be able to find out the name of the object. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Thanks.

In my opinion, there are three main candidate solutions. The first and second option is use of GuiText or GUI.label. But in both options it is necessary to know object layout on the screen. It becomes the following function: Camera.WorldToScreenPoint. But in these options the name object will be always in front, i.e. over the remaining image. The third option - uses 3dText. For it it will be necessary to know a three-dimensional position item of object. Thus, in all three options, we will receive the name displayed in the middle of object. To lift it above, we will simply add to position coordinates offset on a y axis on a half of scale of object.

Perhaps you could use Text Mesh built into unity: