Show laptime after each lap ?

Hi guys I made a checkpoint script see below :slight_smile: BUT I cannot seem to work out how to show the laptime after each lap completed ? can anyone help please ,its probably very simple but as you can probably tell from my script ,I am a Javanoob :stuck_out_tongue:

heres the code

var time : float;
var lapTime : float;
var ckp = 0; 
var lap = 0;

function OnGUI(){
GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,110,100), "Racetime:" + time);
GUI.Box (Rect (120,120,110,100), "Checkpoint : " + ckp/2);
GUI.Box (Rect (240,10,110,100), "Laps" + lap);
if (lap==1) GUI.Box (Rect (540,10,400,100), "Laptime:" + (lapTime - time)); // This Shows as Zero ?
if (lap==2) GUI.Box (Rect (540,10,200,100), "You WON !");


function OnTriggerEnter(hit : Collider){

    if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint1")
 	         ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint2")
   	 	 	 ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint3")
 	         ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint4")
   	 	 	 ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint5")
 	         ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint6")
   	 	 	 ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint7")
 	         ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint8")
   	 	 	 ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint9")
 	         ckp=ckp +1;
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint10")
   	 	 	 ckp=ckp +1;
	if (ckp==20)  lap=1;
        if (ckp==40)  lap=2;
        if (ckp==60)  lap=3;
        if (ckp==80)  lap=4;
        if (ckp==100)  lap=5;

You’ll want to have timeStart only once, in the Awake() function, instead of in the Update() function. After that, you can find the current lap time by subtracting timeStart from the current time. Like so;

function Awake() {
    var timeStart = Time.time; //Gets the time when the script awakes

And then where you have the check to increment laps, currently written as;

if (ckp==20)  lap=1; 

you just change it to;

if (ckp == 20) {
    lap = 1;
    lapTime = Time.time - startTime; 
    //Takes the current time, and subtracts the start time from it,
    //leaving you with the amount of time in between as your lap time.

And just have your OnGUI display lapTime in the appropriate box constantly, with a null value at the beginning of the race.

I’m a newbie too though, only got Unity a day or two ago, so take my advice with a grain of salt.