Show text during loading image phase

So yeah, can one show any text during the initial loading image? I mean the one that shows the unity image in the base version and can be replaced with another image when one has the advanced license.
I´d like to show a text there stating “loading”.
Ideally that should be a text instead of beeing part of the image as then i could reuse the same image for the titlescreen instead of having that as seperate image (not sure if one can do that either since the titlescreen image seems to have to be seperate). Maybe it could also just show a text from the unity app side automatically stating “loading”, dunno.

there have been a couple of threads on this - bit of a bone of contention I think. I’m hoping Unity do something about it, as it does look pretty weak when there is a loading screen (but doesn’t say as much for several seconds).

You can’t do anything about it just now, from what I can tell.
one suggestion is to load an empty scene first (haven’t tried this, so don’t know if it will work), or buy Pro license, and you can strip lots of stuff out, so the loading screen is faster (but looks the same, afaik)

Here are a couple of links to the threads (first one is the main one) -

hope that helps.

thanks for the reply, yeah, well, those threads show me that many have requests on the loading screen :slight_smile:
I just thought it would be cool if it was done in a way in which i can have the splash screen as one of the assets in my project and that way reuse it as splash screen and as titlescreen, would save some filesize and would be handy :slight_smile: . That would only be possible if i could write a text during the splashscreen showing phase, i imagined it could be a guitext that´s shown there so one could specify position,dimensions,maybe also font and then i´d just create a titlescreen image, use it for both splash and titlescreen and during splashscreen phase write “loading” below the logo and in titlescreen scene/phase show the main menu below the logo.
Those are functionalities unity fellas would have to integrate, can´t do em myself with the current setup.

The Default.png is simply a static image and this is a limitation of iphone OS, not a feature or limitation of Unity. The image is shown before and during the application launch. The content of the static image, is another question though.
From the apple docs:

oh,i see.