Showing an image from a camera in a projector?( i hope that is the right word )

i am thinking of having a file showing feeds from 4 cameras in one screen kinda like a editing suite or a big screen at a sporting event. I hope this makes sense and apologize if any terminology is wrong

Assuming you mean web-cams:

Or if you meant in-game cameras, you probably want RenderTexture (Pro only)

Just make 4 of them and arrange to your liking

Try using Render Textures, if you are the proud owner of a copy of Unity Pro. Otherwise, you can do clever things with Camera.pixelRect, but it’s difficult to get that to look as good. However, in a pinch, it can be done.

Also, if you have Render Textures, you can use an actual Projector component to paint the picture onto any other surface!