Let’s say you’re hired to develop an iPhone game by a client… you can, of course, publish previews to your own iPhone…
But, how would you handle showing a client how the project is coming along?
Let’s say you’re hired to develop an iPhone game by a client… you can, of course, publish previews to your own iPhone…
But, how would you handle showing a client how the project is coming along?
export to webplayer (using unity 2.1) or ad-hoc distribution or recording a video.
I’d stick with either of those two and avoid the hassle of removing iPhone-specific code to do a web demo. If they have an iPhone or iPod touch then it’s ad-hoc FTW, otherwise recording a video is a great idea.
Now there’s something future versions, the ability to save a sequence of stills from the Player Window.
Is already possible
home - power on iphone → screenshot (will be in the images)
Xcode, organizer - selecting the connected iphone → allows you to take screenshots (will be stored by xcode on the system)
you wouldn’t want to take screenshots from the editor as they have little to only hardly visual relation to your reality on the iphone
For my projects, I get my clients’ device IDs ahead of time, and then go to the “program portal” and create a new client-specific provisioning profile and add them to it.
Then in XCcode, I duplicate the release build configuration and rename it “adhoc-clientname” and set the code signing identity for that configuration to match the client specific provisioning profile. Then I just set that as the active build configuration, and build a release.
You then send them the app (right click on the “Products” folder in XCode and Reveal in Finder) and the provisioning profile. They can drag both into iTunes (profile first!) and it will add the app to their phone.
If you do this, be sure to include a 512 x 512 icon inside your app bundle, for iTunes to display. (There’re more info on this in Apple’s official docs.)
What do you name it?
And I recommend removing it from the other build targets (i.e. uncheck the box), because it gets added to your app bundle anyway by Apple when you upload your app.
Excellent. This has been one of the things we were stuck on a while back.
Hey, quick question on adhoc distribution. I’m trying to verify that my adhoc distribution will work for a client. I check both my own iPod touch and the client’s iphone when creating the adhoc provisioning profile. Then I build, duplicate release and create distribution and then pick my new provisioning profile that I just created,downloaded, and added to xcode. Then I clean all and build, find the .app and drag onto iTunes in the applications tab and then drag in the provisioning profile. It tells me that it cannot sync that app to the iPhone because it failed verification.
Is there some kind of catch22 that says that the developer cannot test an adhoc distribution build on his own iPod? I deleted all traces of the app from the phone/ipod before deploying but it doesnt seem to make any difference. I just wanted to test before sending off to an employer.
Just to ensure and clarify:
the provision includes the target device
Yessir, my iPod and his ipod are checked
The app was built with this provision
Yep, i duplicated release and created distribution, then set all values of certificate signing auth to the adhoc prov profile
The provision was first installed on the device → listed as an addition provision in xcode organizer for the device
Yep, it’s been dragged into the organizer and shows in the list when clicking on my iPod
Then the app was tried to be installed
And failed, yep.
Any other ideas here? I could even record a video showing my progress from the apple developer site all the way to the error msg, if it helps trouble shoot. Should I create that?
Fixed, thanks to the wonderful musings of Drjest.
For those interested, I was missing the dist.plist file. Basically go to File → New File, go to Code Signing, and pick Entitlements.
Create it with the filename dist.plist and save it in the default location (root level of the project). Hit finish. Uncheck the only value in the plist (get-allow-task) and then right click on your Targets->Unity-iPhone project and pick Get Info. Type in dist.plist into the field for Code Signing Entitlements. It will turn bold. Then CLEAN ALL and Build as Distribution (you did make a copy of release and call it Distribution, right??). Then you can continue on zipping and sending out your app and prov profile, and should be all set.
Thanks to those who helped.
It sounds like you’re doing all the right things. The device needs the profile and you need to code-sign against that profile. When I have problems like this I’ll do c a clean and build.
Does this help: How to Fix Code Signing Errors | Cocoanetics
Duh, you fixed it before I hit “submit” on this window. Sorry for the lazy sunday posting.