Showing my target with GUI?

I hope this is quite easy to do: I am shooting a person and when he is shooted i want something(maybe an arrow or something)to appear above him so as to be seen who is hit.I think i have to use a gui button maybe ? But i don’t know how .Shall i put it on the shooted person’s script ?

This is quite hard to use 2d Gui on 3d people because one works with Vector3 and the

other with Vector2. But better ways to do so: Use a 2d plane with arrow texture or a

3d arrow to make it look better and attach it(make child) to the player, position it

wherever you want and deactivate it. When it is shot, activate it, make it seen and

deactivate it again with a timer. It is quite efficient and you dont need to create

and destroy it so it is performance efficient too, even you can make a health bar

on top and resize the healthbar size when he got shot. Hope I got you right, good luck.