Shuriken particles following a path

Is there a is there a way to make the shuriken particles follow a path of some sort ?

You can access each individual particle and change its position.
So maybe you calculate a Lerp position from Start position and a position from a pre-created Path.

m_currentParticleEffect = (ParticleSystem)GetComponent("ParticleSystem");
ParticleSystem.Particle []ParticleList = new ParticleSystem.Particle[m_currentParticleEffect.particleCount];
         	for(int i = 0; i < ParticleList.Length; ++i)
    			ParticleList*.position= PathVector;*
  •  }		*
  •  m_currentParticleEffect.SetParticles(ParticleList, m_currentParticleEffect.particleCount);*