Shutter Speed and Motion Blur via Script


I had a system before HDRP and I’m migrating now.

Before I used to mimic shutter speed by increasing or decreasing post exposure and playing with motion blur settings accordingly.

I’m facing a few challenges:

  1. How can I pass a shutter speed value via script?

I tried the value directly from the slider (let’s say, from 1 to 8000). But it didn’t work.
I tried to use my old system with a list of these values, but It translates to fractions that never pass equivalent to 1/30s as a shutter speed value.

postProcessingCamera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>().physicalParameters.shutterSpeed = m_shutterSpeedValues[index];

On the list I tried both values like this:

0.00025f, 0.0003125f, 0.0004f,

Or like this:
2000f, 1600f, 1250f,

None of them worked.

  1. Also I want to use my old script for motion blur, but before there was Shutter Angle and FrameBlending options that I can’t find anymore.

Here’s a question: If I will be able to send properly the shutter speed, will the motion blur be calculated automatically? Can I have higher than 1 second values?

Thanks for the help!!!

Currently Motion Blur is not linked to Physical camera properties, although the work for it is planned. Currently to change intensity you want to modify the volume component related to MotionBlur and tweak its intensity.

OK, so now only intensity.
And what about the first question? I can’t pass proper values to Shutter Speed.

Thanks for your attention!