Hello everyone,
my question is fairly simple, well the question is and maybe the answer not so much.
Can you turn off computers with Unity?
If yes, how?
I’m looking to shutdown about 14 pc’s from within Unity, they should all turn off at the same time.
It’s part of a project for a museum where they need to be able to turn all the computers off with just one single click.
IIf I can’t do it through Unity, I will most likely create a Java program.
yes it is possible with unity. you need to send an message to any mail Id which is configured on each PC . On each PC you need to configured Mozilla Thunderbird . In Mozilla there is facility of filter you email. then you choose any keyword like shutdown ,if that keyword match with your mail contents then there should be an action where just use single command for shut down PC. I think It should be possible with Unity3D.
The simplest setup would be the process invocation set as the highest voted answer to the Stackoverflow question, Morning linked to. The terminal command given there is for Windows, but OS X has a very similar one named shutdown.
Notice that the client applications on the target machines will probably need to run with elevated rights in order to be allowed to shut down their machine.