Sign up for the Unity Windows 8 Store apps open beta!

Want to be one of the first Unity developers to port your project to Windows 8 apps on PC and Tablets? Well we have awesome news for you as we have just launched sign ups for our Windows Store apps add-on!

As a participant of the beta, you will get early access to our Windows Store apps add-on and be able to give us feedback and improvements directly. Before you sign up, there are a few things to note;

1.) Only users familiar to Unity should sign up for the Windows Store apps beta.
2.) Read and accept the terms and conditions for participating in a Unity beta program.
3.) To sign up for the open beta you need to have a Google account or an account associated with it. To open a Google account click here
4.) After you sign up for the open beta you can expect a reply from us in 1 to 2 weeks.

Sign up here!

Once you have been added to the beta group please take note of the front page and keep all discussions within the beta group.

Blog post with more in-depth info about the program

So what Unity project will you be porting to Windows Store Apps?

Signed up just now! Lets see if I get in!

I have a plethora to port to Windows 8 Store!

I should note that this beta is for Windows Store apps on desktop and tablets more in-depth info on it on our blog

Your Lumia n0mad will receive love soon though.

Signed up.

Oops … I’m feeling very silly now.
I’ll delete my post then, thanks.

Just wanted to say I have a Windows 8 Developer account active and my W8-BEN form submitted and accepted.

Hint hint!

Pick me now :slight_smile:

(new forum keeps eating my posts, just ate my post 2 times in a row!!!)

Going to express a fear: I hope the Windows 8 Store desktop (x86/64bit) module is not an extra fee. I already would have to do the jump from 3.5 to 4.0 and finding it prohibitive.

I understand paying for Windows 8 RT (ARM) tablet export, though, and also expect such license to be bundled with Windows Phone 8 once that too is available.

Awesome - signed up!

I’ve been looking forward to porting to Windows 8 RT for awhile now.

Will the beta only include the Windows8 export option or is it also a 4.1 / 4.2 build test?

In other words, seeing that Windows8 will only officially arrive in 4.2, can we expect post-4.1 (post 4.01) changes to be included in order to support that beta build?

windows 8 and tablets?, i like where this is going, Unity windows phone is near =D GREAT JOB Unity Team!

When you get access to the beta you get a 2 month license for Unity 4.2 + Windows8, so yes that is the full Unity 4.2, but this is also not the final version since it’s still in development, so things may be subject to change. Be aware that you will have a watermark.

Signed up! Getting 5 Windows8 Tablet for R&D this month. I’m going to enjoy this!