silly for loop problem

I feel like there is something obvious I am not seeing here but I have looked at it for hours. Can some one tell me why this is not doing the same thing as the commented code.
The for loop works for x but it does not multiply step by a different c value each time. It just runs through as 1 every time…

			for (int x = 118; x < 128; x++){
				for(int c = 1; c < 11; c++){

// g1.SetVert(118,i,step*1+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(119,i,step*2+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(120,i,step*3+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(121,i,step*4+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(122,i,step*5+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(123,i,step*6+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(124,i,step*7+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(125,i,step*8+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(126,i,step*9+sm1);

// g1.SetVert(127,i,step*10+sm1);

You used a nested loop which was not required. Solution:

int c = 1;
for (int x = 118; x < 128; x++)
    g1.SetVert(x, i, step * c + sm1);
    //increments c as well each iteration