Similar movement to a game (look description)

So i am working on a game that will have all physics, almost the same as the game “King of Crabs” (by Robot Squid “created by Ubisoft”)

I still haven’t figured out how to imitate the “crabs” movement.
If anyone could help me, don’t make a crab movement script that moves to the sides, cus I just need my player to move in all directions, clicking “SPace” to sprint and NEVER leave the ground, (cus my player is actually a slug)
with that, I will be so gratefull :slight_smile:

I can reward users

(i’ve been in this since like 5 days ago)

Dude, it’s nearly impossible to understand what you wrote. Anyways, this is most likely what your after

     Vector3 playerForward = /* Get the angle that the player is facing */
     Vector3 playerRight = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, playerForward);
     player.position += playerRight * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * movementSpeed;
     player.position += playerForward * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * movementSpeed;

That’s Omnidirectional movement. The rest is just animations.