The thing : I have a “Ninja Enemy” concept. But there are several “kinds” of “Ninja Enemy”. So right now my Unity Project has as many Prefabs as “kinds” of ninjas. The thing is, the prefabs have quite a lot similarities, but they differ in one component that is the “special ability”
The problem is, when I want to tweak somthing that affects all Ninjas it’s a drag.
MY solution : is going to be, create a single prefab to instantiate and AddComponent according to the kind of ninja it is.
¿What the experts say about this?
My main concer ¿Any unexpected measurable performance hit about that?
¿Is there a waaaaay better method to aproach this?
Bit more Context : I’m making my game, with lots of not excellent decision, some I can update to better, others I rather left them bad.
My criteria usually is “If it’s taking longer to keep this system than making a new one, change”. Because the project is already quite developed.
Excuse my english