Simon Says tutorial question


I am following a tutorial named Simon Says, - YouTube

However I am stuck at 34-ish minutes. I have done everything the person said in the video however mine doesn’t do what his does. Could anyone help me out?

( you can download my files here, I used WeTransfer).

EDIT: In the video it shows that I can now press a button, all of them should light up. however in my project it doesn’t light up nor can I press on any of the 4 buttons.

Code 1 named ‘SimonSays’

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

struct SimonLightPlate
	public enum eType
	public SimonLightPlate( string plateName )
		plate = GameObject.Find (plateName);

	public GameObject plate; //The plate associated with the colors.

public class SimonSays : MonoBehaviour 
	SimonLightPlate[] lightPlates = new SimonLightPlate[(int)SimonLightPlate.eType.NUM_TYPES];
	enum eState	

	eState currentState = eState.INVALID_STATE;
	List<int> sequence = new List<int>(100); // hold the sequence
	int sequenceCount = 0; //The counter for which index of the sequence we're currently showing
	List<int> clickedSequence = new List<int>(100); 
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		lightPlates[(int)SimonLightPlate.eType.BLUE] 	= new SimonLightPlate("BluePlane");
		lightPlates[(int)SimonLightPlate.eType.GREEN] 	= new SimonLightPlate("GreenPlane");
		lightPlates[(int)SimonLightPlate.eType.YELLOW] 	= new SimonLightPlate("YellowPlane");
		lightPlates[(int)SimonLightPlate.eType.RED] 	= new SimonLightPlate("RedPlane");
	void OnLeftClickDown(SimonLightPlate.eType color)
		lightPlates[(int)color].plate.renderer.enabled = true;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
	void ResetGame()

Code 2 named ‘ColorPlateClickHandler’

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ColorPlateClickHandler : MonoBehaviour 
	void OnMouseOver()
		//Handle left mouse click.
		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
			SimonLightPlate.eType colorPlate = SimonLightPlate.eType.INVALID_TYPE;
			if ( == 		"BlueClickPlane")
				colorPlate = SimonLightPlate.eType.BLUE;
			else if ( == 	"RedClickPlane")
				colorPlate = SimonLightPlate.eType.RED;
			else if ( ==	"YellowClickPlane")
				colorPlate = SimonLightPlate.eType.YELLOW;
			else if ( == 	"GreenClickPlane")
				colorPlate = SimonLightPlate.eType.GREEN;
			this.SendMessageUpwards("OnLeftClickDown", colorPlate, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);	
	void OnMouseUp()
		if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
			this.SendMessageUpwards("OnLeftClickUp",, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

I have uploaded a package with my finished project. I think the most confusing part was the start when the planes are created and the textures are added. All I can suggest is check your plane placement to mine. Make sure that :

the (Red Green Blue Yellow) ClickPlane 's are just above the (RGBY) Plane 's (so they can be clicked on),

and the (RGBY) ClickPlane 's have the Transparent texture,

and the (RGBY) Plane 's have the button ON texture (lit up colour).

and the BasePlane should have the button OFF texture (all the buttons displayed as OFF)

Also when there are 2 colours displayed in a row it is hard to tell, you should add a small delay between each DisplaySequence ( I cannot help there as I don’t know how to yield WaitForSeconds(0.2); in C#).

Here is the Package :

and a webpublish build :

Definitely try the 3D Buzz tutorial i linked earlier , or any other 3D Buzz tutorial on their website , as they do tutorials in C#. Hope this helps =]