Simple 2D characterAI

Hey everyone!

I am making a virtual pet game with unity.
And I was wondering if anyone has any advice for how to go about coding simple AI 2D movement.
Right now I have them walking one direction until they see(Raycast) a boundary which makes them go in the other direction.

(Using C# btw)

But essentially I want them to carry out an action, then switch to a another action after that has been completed(And of course switch to actions depending on what the player does as well).

An example:

-Pet walks to the left for a few steps
-Pet sits down
-Pet looks left, then right, then left again
-Pet gets up
-Pet walks to the right
-Player touches pet and it stops and looks towards screen

So would I contain each action in it’s own Method/function?
Then at the end of the Method after the action has been completed(Or changed by the users interaction), select another action by random?(random at this point, but when I get the core functionality working I’ll make this dependent of mood and other things)

I’d appreciate any advice or words of wisdom ^^
Thank you all!

-Game has an array of waypoints

-Pet goes from one waypoint to another

-Pet reaches waypoint, launch an animation of the pet sitting, looking right and left and standing up

-Get a random value to select the next waypoint

In the meanwhile, have an if statement that checks if the user is clicking and if so, another if statement checking if the position of the pet and the one from the mouse translated to the world space are in a close range