Hello Uniters !
I want to ask is there any simple way to just play an animation?
i’ve watching this Unity3d Video Tutorial about animation… and it’s so great i could really do anything about that… But, it’s too much to do… i mean, is there any other way to play an animation beside this way? (simpler way)
i’ve been searching how to play animation, some ppl put out that i should place animation.Play("NameOfAnimation");
on function Update();
but after i attach the script to my character, it wont play that animation at all… so i really want to know is there any easier way to do this? maybe by only call the name of animation on script, and the object will do it… or something like that?
i know it’s been so may ppl ask about this, but everytime i seach the Answer section, the code just not complete, that my character still not moving…
and also, when i select my object, there is no “Animation” tab on the Inspector of my object… why does this happen? and how to make the tab show up on Inspector?
*sorry for bad english.