simple Animation sync problem

Hello…here is the situation:

  • I have a Character with animation
    attached with ThirdPersonControl
    script from unity package.
  • My character is Instantiated by
    network,so I also attach a something
    to disable TPC script while
    NetworkView is not mine

something like this :

function OnNetworkInstantiate (msg : NetworkMessageInfo) {
  if (networkView.isMine==false){

when I test it, all player movements is OK, but animation of other player is not played, it seems not synced because I disable TPC control, right? then what the best solution of this?

any help will be appreciated…:slight_smile:

Instead of disabling the script entirely, have some kind of switch within the script which disables specific parts of it if(!networkView.isMine), and leaves the animation stuff active.

Hi everyone. I came here because I have exactly the same problem as this. I’m new to Unity though and I’m not quite sure exactly how to edit my script. I can disable the whole script and make the controls work but not the animations. But could anyone show me specifically what to put in the script to disable to the controls but enable the animations?