Simple appear trigger not working for me

Alright, I want to do the simple solution to make a weapon that is parented to my camera appear when I walk into a trigger.

I unchecked Mesh Renderer to make my weapon invisible.

I made an empty game object.
I added a box collider and I checked the box to make it a trigger.

I made a prefab for my weapon. The weapon is called “bow”.

I tried to make a script with the Mesh Renderer in mind. I put the script on the trigger.

This is the script:

var bow : MeshRenderer;

function OnTriggerEnter() { 
bow.MeshRenderer.enabled = true;

I dragged the bow prefab into the slot the script has for “bow”.

“I keep getting: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

I know I am missing something, but I don’t know what it is.

Since bow is already of type MeshRenderer, you should write;

var bow : MeshRenderer;

function OnTriggerEnter() { 
bow.enabled = true;