Simple Arrow pointing to my enemy.

Hello everyone, i have a 3d arrow in my game and i want it to be pointing to my enemy all the time. Initially i was using a simple lookat(enemy) in a script applied to my arrow, but instead of rotating it, it is actually deforming the mesh which is horrible… How can I fix the script ahead to make it to what i want?
Thanks everyone…

var enemy: Transform;

function Update () {

var difference : Vector3  = enemy.transform - transform ;

transform.rotation  = Quaternion .LookRotation (difference.normalized );

// This line ahed was my old version which distorts my arrow :(


LookAt() is not going to deform your mesh. If you mesh is getting deformed, it is happening somewhere else. More likely I suspect the issue has to do with the perspective of the camera. Try moving you camera further away from your subjects and changing to a smaller field of view.