Hi, I am trying to blend this decal texture on top of the sprite, and the preview looks correct however the sprite in engine is not. It works on a simple square texture, but not on any that I draw. I went back and made this shader on Unity 2022 and it worked perfectly so there’s something going on in Unity 6 that’s either a bug, or something I’m not aware of. Any help would be appreciated.
Ok so on further inspection, and a lot of faffing about, I realised it’s because of the Sprite Atlas in use, which means the UVs aren’t the same as they are in the preview. Now I could ask now how to get the correct UVs for a sprite from the Atlas, but for now I have just removed these sprites from the Atlas altogether.
Hi @Bidoof420 ,
Answer I got from engineering is:
Usually if the shader requires/processes Sprite’s UV, TexelSize or Offset, then ideally that Sprite should not be part of a SpriteAtlas.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you for the confirmation, I figured it’s best to keep them separated.