Simple cube rendering takes 76 verts in Deferred Lighting?

I was just analyzing forward vs. deferred rendering. so I took an empty scene and add a cube in center. there is nothing other than a camera and a cube in the scene. not any lights. Now when I see Stats in game window, It shows verts = 76, tris = 38, used texture = 4. I can’t find out where these vertices and textures come from…? please note that in player settings I have chosen “Deferred Lighting” in Rendering paths.

If anyone has idea about this, that would be wonderful…
Thanks in advance…

When Deferred Lighting is used, the rendering process in Unity happens in three passes:

  1. Base Pass: objects are rendered to produce screen-space buffers with depth, normals, and specular power.
  2. Lighting pass: the previousl generated buffers are used to compute lighting into another screen-space buffer.
  3. Final pass: objects are rendered again. They fetch the computed lighting, combine it with color textures and add any ambient/emissive lighting.
    For more info see docs about deferred lighting. So, cube have 24 vertices and 12 triangles. It’s draw in 3 pass, then count of vertices for cube is 243 = 72 and count of triangles is 123 = 36 in Deferred rendering path. More vertices (+4 vertices and +2 triangle - very probably as plane), probably, add camera with background color or image.