Simple DrawMeshInstanced crashes unity 2018.3

Good evening, I am facing an issue with Unity 2018.3f2, where a simple draw mesh instance causes the editor to crash, constantly with the following stack trace:

Stack Trace of Crashed Thread 21800:
0x0000000140B969C0 (Unity) FindDataSource
0x0000000140B7C74E (Unity) WriteConstantLoop<MemCpy<CopyFloat,4> >
0x0000000140B7961F (Unity) InstancingProps::FillInstanceBufferDispatchConstants<Instancing::smile:rawAPIArgs>
0x0000000140B6F213 (Unity) InstanceBufferJob<Instancing::smile:rawAPIArgs>
0x00000001408A4D38 (Unity) JobQueue::Exec
0x00000001408A6C7D (Unity) JobQueue::Steal
0x00000001408A4FC2 (Unity) JobQueue::ExecuteJobFromQueue
0x00000001408A53C2 (Unity) JobQueue::ProcessJobs
0x00000001408A7403 (Unity) JobQueue::WorkLoop
0x0000000140A6F094 (Unity) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
0x00007FFE310B7E94 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFE33C3A251 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

The component needed to crash is super simple:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class shouldCrash : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject mesh;
    public Material mat;
    private Mesh m;
    private Matrix4x4[] matrices;
    private CommandBuffer cmd;
    // Start is called before the first frame update

    private void ensureCommandBuffer() {
        if (cmd == null) {
          cmd = new CommandBuffer();
    void Start()
        var mf = mesh.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        m= mf.sharedMesh;
        matrices = new Matrix4x4[200];
        for(int i =0; i <200;++i)
            matrices[i] = Matrix4x4.identity;

        var camera = Camera.main;
        camera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterGBuffer, cmd);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        int deferredPassIndex = mat.FindPass("DEFERRED");
        //int deferredPassIndex = m_material.FindPass("FORWARD");
        cmd.EnableShaderKeyword("UNITY_HDR_ON ");
        for(int i=0; i <4;++i)


I am attaching the full project and crash log. Does anyone have any idea about this?
best regards


It absolutely should not crash. Please report a bug with this and it will get tracked and fixed.

@joelv will do, are you aware of any workaround? I found similar bug that was supposedly be fixed in 2019 and back-ported 2018, (this still crashes in 2019). It had to do with material property block , but other than defining some matrices per instance in the shaders I could not find anything related to properties, like color etc. So doesn’t seem to be crashing because the property block is not provided.

Sadly I don’t. But I will poke the people who maintain this and we can see if they can come up with something

Thank you for all the help.


I’m using 2018.2.20f1, facing the same problem, and because of plugins we used that can’t upgrade to 2019.2.

This post [Unity 2018.3.0b3] Crash by instancing rendering code ?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg said some properties should be provided, but I don’t know what instance property I have missed.

Dear devs, since this crash was fixed for Unity 2019.1+, is there any plans to backport it for 2018.4 LTS?

I’m not sure why this wasn’t backported to 2018.4, sorry about that! I’ve raised a ticket internally for it to be backported.

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Thank you for the quick response, Richard. Glad to hear that!

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