The past few days I’ve had some free time so I’ve been working on a generic simple IK system that will make any character’s feet “stick” to the ground, something I’ve been wanting to learn how to do.
Here are the results [1]. It’s not nearly glitch-free, or quite as impressive as the other procedural movement I’ve seen in the forums, but I feel it’s a good start. As such, I’d like to get some feedback, cause frankly I’ve been looking at it too long. Any and all suggestions for changes, or what would be the next thing to implement are welcome.
Up/down to move, 1 and 2 to switch characters.
Thanks for reading!
hi JoaquinEstrago,
animation is fluid, I still felt the character was a bit “floating”, but non the less I liked the way the character shifts its body weights while climbing up the slopes, and the hair on the character, is that dynamic or key framed animation,
Great work overall, Can’t wait to see more.
It looks nice. There is some foot sliding and the feet also seem to hover on several occasions - specifically, the feet still stand flat when standing on a sloped surface.
However, it’s a very nice touch that the characters lean forward when going uphill and backwards when going downhill - it’s something that I’ve only just recently added in my own system.