I’m finding the multiuser stuff to be a bit hellish, can anyone help?
A geniune working example would really help.
The Unity network examples don’t work here (Vista Unity2.5).
I’m used to the Shockwave multiuser server, so I’m used to what I guess is called “PPC” but via an online dedicated server.
I am finding the following…
Resgistered hosts are frequently being lost on the master server.
Even when they are, usually clicking “connect” does annoyingly little.
Often clicking “retest connection” will help.
My Vista machine will (shakily) allow communication between two windows (editor-published or published-published)after a few tries but I cannot access my colleague’s “server” remotely, and he can’t access mine.
Yes, my firewall is off, yes, I’ve read http://unity3d.com/support/resources/example-projects/networking-example etc, no, there is no point in editing my security settings any further(casual gamers aren’t generally fond of configuring vista).
On the rare occasions when it works, the “other player” game object is controlled by network views, a spawn script, and an init script and that bit works (albeit crudely).
It is the initial connection between “server”,“client”, and “master server” that worries me.
Here is my code (It is a “god” script, so it’s all in there…theoretically):
private var gameName = “whatever”;
private var serverPort = 25002;
private var timeoutHostList = 0.0;
private var lastHostListRequest = -1000.0;
private var hostListRefreshTimeout = 10.0;
private var natCapable : ConnectionTesterStatus = ConnectionTesterStatus.Undetermined;
private var filterNATHosts = false;
private var probingPublicIP = false;
private var doneTesting = false;
private var timer : float = 0.0;
private var windowRect = Rect (Screen.width-300,0,300,100);
private var hideTest = false;
private var testMessage = “Undetermined NAT capabilities”;
private var plevel: String = “barracks” ;
private var disconnectedLevel : String = “empty”;
// Enable this if not running a client on the server machine
//MasterServer.dedicatedServer = true;
function OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer(info: NetworkConnectionError)
function OnServerInitialized() {
networkView.RPC( “OffToPlay”, RPCMode.AllBuffered, plevel, lastLevelPrefix + 1);
testMessage =(“I am the server”);
function OnFailedToConnect(info: NetworkConnectionError)
function OnGUI ()
windowRect = GUILayout.Window (0, windowRect, MakeWindow, “Server Controls”);
function Awake ()
MasterServer.ipAddress = “”; // Different location than the default one
MasterServer.port = 23457;
// If server initialize server, register host, etc
// If client request host list, etc
// Start connection test
natCapable = Network.TestConnection();
// What kind of IP does this machine have? TestConnection also indicates this in the
// test results
if (Network.HavePublicAddress()){
Debug.Log(“This machine has a public IP address”);
Debug.Log(“This machine has a private IP address”);
networkView.group = 1;
function Update() {
// If test is undetermined, keep running
if (!doneTesting) {
function TestConnection() {
// Start/Poll the connection test, report the results in a label and react to the results accordingly
natCapable = Network.TestConnection();
switch (natCapable) {
case ConnectionTesterStatus.Error:
testMessage = “Problem determining NAT capabilities”;
doneTesting = true;
case ConnectionTesterStatus.Undetermined:
testMessage = “Undetermined NAT capabilities”;
doneTesting = false;
case ConnectionTesterStatus.PrivateIPNoNATPunchthrough:
testMessage = “Cannot do NAT punchthrough, filtering NAT enabled hosts for client connections, local LAN games only.”;
filterNATHosts = true;
Network.useNat = true;
doneTesting = true;
case ConnectionTesterStatus.PrivateIPHasNATPunchThrough:
if (probingPublicIP)
testMessage = “Non-connectable public IP address (port “+ serverPort +” blocked), NAT punchthrough can circumvent the firewall.”;
testMessage = “NAT punchthrough capable. Enabling NAT punchthrough functionality.”;
// NAT functionality is enabled in case a server is started,
// clients should enable this based on if the host requires it
Network.useNat = true;
doneTesting = true;
case ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPIsConnectable:
testMessage = “Directly connectable public IP address.”;
Network.useNat = false;
doneTesting = true;
// This case is a bit special as we now need to check if we can
// cicrumvent the blocking by using NAT punchthrough
case ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPPortBlocked:
testMessage = “Non-connectble public IP address (port " + serverPort +” blocked), running a server is impossible.";
Network.useNat = false;
// If no NAT punchthrough test has been performed on this public IP, force a test
if (!probingPublicIP)
Debug.Log(“Testing if firewall can be circumnvented”);
natCapable = Network.TestConnectionNAT();
probingPublicIP = true;
timer = Time.time + 10;
// NAT punchthrough test was performed but we still get blocked
else if (Time.time > timer)
probingPublicIP = false; // reset
Network.useNat = true;
doneTesting = true;
case ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPNoServerStarted:
testMessage = “Public IP address but server not initialized, it must be started to check server accessibility. Restart connection test when ready.”;
testMessage = "Error in test routine, got " + natCapable;
//Debug.Log(natCapable + " " + probingPublicIP + " " + doneTesting);
function MakeWindow (id : int) {
if (GUILayout.Button (“Retest connection”))
Debug.Log(“Redoing connection test”);
probingPublicIP = false;
doneTesting = false;
natCapable = Network.TestConnection(true);
if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
// Start a new server
if (GUILayout.Button (“Start Server”)){
Network.useNat = !Network.HavePublicAddress();
Network.InitializeServer(32, serverPort);
MasterServer.RegisterHost(gameName, “Barracks”, “qwe game for all”);
} // Refresh hosts
if (GUILayout.Button (“Refresh available Servers”) || Time.realtimeSinceStartup > lastHostListRequest + hostListRefreshTimeout){
MasterServer.RequestHostList (gameName);
lastHostListRequest = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
var data : HostData[ ] = MasterServer.PollHostList();
for (var element in data)
// Do not display NAT enabled games if we cannot do NAT punchthrough
if ( !(filterNATHosts element.useNat) )
var name = element.gameName + " " + element.connectedPlayers + " / " + element.playerLimit;
var hostInfo;
hostInfo = “[”;
// Here we display all IP addresses, there can be multiple in cases where
// internal LAN connections are being attempted. In the GUI we could just display
// the first one in order not confuse the end user, but internally Unity will
// do a connection check on all IP addresses in the element.ip list, and connect to the
// first valid one.
for (var host in element.ip)
hostInfo = hostInfo + host + “:” + element.port + " “;
hostInfo = hostInfo + “]”;
//GUILayout.Label(”[" + element.ip + “:” + element.port + “]”);
if (GUILayout.Button(“Connect”))
// Enable NAT functionality based on what the hosts if configured to do
Network.useNat = element.useNat;
if (Network.useNat)
print(“Using Nat punchthrough to connect”);
print(“Connecting directly to host”);
Network.Connect(element.ip, element.port);
if (GUILayout.Button (“Disconnect”))
GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0,1000,1000));
// Keep track of the last level prefix (increment each time a new level loads)
private var lastLevelPrefix = 0;
function OffToPlay(level : String, levelPrefix : int)
Debug.Log("Loading level " + level + " with prefix " + levelPrefix);
lastLevelPrefix = levelPrefix;
Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, false);
Network.isMessageQueueRunning = false;
Network.isMessageQueueRunning = true;
Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, true);
for (var go in FindObjectsOfType(GameObject)){
go.SendMessage(“OnNetworkLoadedLevel”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function OnDisconnectedFromServer ()
@script RequireComponent(NetworkView)