Simple Jumping Animation

Hi Everyone !
I’m new to unity and I’m currently working on a project and I need some help to make a simple jumping animation.
I have three platforms next to each other and a cube in the center of one pf the platform , what I want to is when I press the right button , I want the cube to jump to the next platform and land exactly in its center.
I tried creating a simple animation that makes the cube jump in the Y axis and controlled the movement on the Z axis with script , but it doesn’t seem to work well.
I hope that anyone can help me to solve this problem , thanks.

Break the problem down to single elements to figure out what isn’t working.
First create the jump animation - and test. Works yes - move on to next. Works no - fix animation.

the vertical jump works fine , but I want to move the cube while the animation is playing so I can move it to the next platforms, but I didn’t know how to do that correctly.

Have you checked out the learn section - and tutorials?