Simple letters game

Letters appear on the screen one by one, at a rate of one per second.

Instructions: “Letter will appear on the screen one at a time. Every time you see the letter ‘A’, click the letter with your mouse. When letters other than ‘A’ appear, do NOT do click or tap the letter”.

Scoring: Give one point if there is an error (an error is a click on a wrong letter or a failure to click on letter A).

I am completely new to Unity. Can someone help me as to how should I start building this?


Start by doing the tutorials.

TextMesh is a component, thus it only exists as part of a GameObject. When you create a 3D text with the Hierarchy Create button, a game object is created with a TextMesh component included.

In your case, a Raycast seems to be the more indicated: attach the script to the camera and verify what’s being clicked. The code could be something like this:

var score = 0; // the score increases each time an A is clicked

function Update(){
  if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){ // if left button pressed...
    // calculate a ray passing through the mouse pointer:
    var ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
    var hit: RaycastHit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit)){ // if something hit...
      var txtMsh: TextMesh = hit.transform.GetComponent(TextMesh);
      // and if it's a TextMesh "A"...
      if (txtMsh && txtMsh.text == "A"){
          score++; // increment the score

You must add a box collider to the 3D text object - due to some weird reason, mesh colliders in 3D text objects aren’t detected by Raycast.

Notice that the logic above seems opposed to what your question says: the score is incremented when an A is clicked. If you want to increase the score when an error occurs, change the logic:

    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit)){ // if something hit...
      var txtMsh: TextMesh = hit.transform.GetComponent(TextMesh);
      // if it's not a TextMesh, or if it's not an A...
      if (!txtMsh || txtMsh.text != "A"){
        score++; // increment the score